mari@pi mari@pi Sat. 25 Jul. 2009 16:42 0 views 1 comments
...Like other successful attacks, Hacker Croll used the same combination of patience, sheer determination and somewhat elementary methods to gain access to a frightening number of accounts and services related to Twitter and Twitter employees. The list of services affected either directly, or indirectly, are some of the most popular web applications and services in use today - Gmail, Google Apps, GoDaddy, MobileMe, AT&T, Amazon, Hotmail, Paypal and iTunes . Taken individually, most of these services have reasonable security precautions against intrusion. But there are huge weaknesses when they are looked at together, as an ecosystem. Like dominoes, once one fell (Gmail was the first to go), the others all tumbled as well. The end result was chaos, and raises important questions about how private corporate and personal information is managed and secured in a time when the trend is towards more data, applications and entire user identities being hosted on the web and 'in the cloud’...
from koukos koukos 2009-08-18 06:15
είναι πολύ λογικό να πέσει πρώτα το mail service, από εκεί και μετά δε σε εμποδίζει τπτ να κάνεις ότι θες.. νομίζω..