thk thk Σαβ. 27 Σεπ. 2008 3:32 tags λίνουξ , madpy , προγραμματισμός 1 views
Πριν κατι ώρες έστειλα το παρακάτω email στο mod_python mailing list (= διαφοροι τρελοι που κάνουμε mod_python) .

Hello to all.

I am very pleased to announce the first release of MADPY, a cms built on mod_python , under an open source license (bsd) .
It was just released today so there is not so much info on
the site. However you can find an installation manual .
Site's address is http://www.madpy.org.
I am working on madpy for nearly 2 years and already have deployed 4 sites on top of it.
Some characteristics in short that may interest you are:

1.It uses Postgresql as DB backend and cheetah as templating engine.
  It also uses psycopg2 , pil , and PyRSS2Gen.

2. It has an MVC like mechanism named madata (see lib/madata and most of     edit actions in content_types objects like lib/content_types/Page.py etc..)

3. Built for multilingual sites,

4. Aims to be simple to debug and understand.

5. Url to object mapping and clean url's

read more in http://www.madpy.org

Feel free to join in madpy.org , if you have any questions or you are interested and like to contribute in some way.

A forum  will also be set up.
To download first version 0.2.beta pls visit

For installation instructions see INSTALL.TXT inside the tarball or visit:

Thimios Katsoulis

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Θύμιος Κατσούλης